The Creative Learning Group is Good for the Soul
Posted on 00022020Tue, 22 Dec 2020 14:40:00 +103031
The Creative Learning Group is Good for the Soul
When you visit the Creative Learning Group at Beauty Point Retirement Resort you get the sense straight away that here’s a place where people are relaxing and having fun. Many people sit talking and at the same time, they’re busily knitting or some other activity including making jewellery or creating cards. It’s all up to the person and what they want to do and it’s all part of the ethos of the group – while you’re enjoying a cup of tea or coffee and a piece of cake, have a chat with the person next to you and do something creative.
Held each Tuesday at 10am, the Creative Learning Group was the brainchild of Colleen Cole, resident of Beauty Point Retirement Resort. Colleen thought it would be a good idea to get a group together where residents of the resort could get together to do some creative art and craft – or whatever else they wanted to do.
As Colleen says: “We try to create a laidback atmosphere where everybody sits, relaxes and does whatever activity they wish to do. We have one lady who has brought her mending to do at our group because she probably wouldn’t do it at home. Another brought her lounge arm rest cover to hand sew.”
“Whatever they wish to do or not do is entirely up to them,” Colleen adds. “New friendships have been made through our group. New residents to the resort come and we’re able to meet them and have a chat in a very comfortable atmosphere. We have a great time, talking and laughing.”
To help organise the Creative Learning Group, Colleen has a committee with three other women from Beauty Point Resort. These women are Lesley, Linda and Doreen and along with Colleen, they help organise the group and special projects.
Doing art and craft is more fun when it’s all part of a group
Many of the people attending have been doing their art and craft at home but the beauty of the Creative Learning Group is they now get to do these activities while they’re enjoying themselves with other people.
This is all part of Colleen’s original intention so she’s pleased it’s all come to fruition. The group started five months ago in June of this year and as Colleen says, it’s all about having fun together:
“I just thought it would be good to have a group where people could go and just relax, have a cup of tea or coffee and a piece of cake and get out of their units for a while. I thought it was important. We have a rule there’s no gossip, no religion and no politics. We laugh and chat and it’s a great way for people to have some fun,” she adds.
The Creative Learning Group held a stall at Beauty Point Retirement Resort in November for the residents and they had a wide range of items for sale – from cooked goods to all types of jewellery, knitting, cards and knick-knacks. As Colleen says: “We really enjoyed making the items for sale and the residents also had fun checking out what was for sale. There was so much on offer.”
- Colleen – resident of the Beauty Point Retirement Resort, formed the Creative Learning Group so there was a place where residents could meet in a very relaxing atmosphere and chat, as they did some art and craft. Because it’s such a friendly group, it’s particularly good for new residents who want to get to know other residents of the resort.
- Nancy and Salia have recently moved to Beauty Point Retirement Resort. Here they’re enjoying being part of the Creative Learning Group, knitting something for a special project.
- Linda is using a shell she bought in New Zealand some time ago and she’s threading it on to a necklace. She’s also been making some earrings and finishing off some special Christmas stars as part of the Creative Learning Group.
- Gwen and Bette are making jewellery as well.
- Pauline and Beverley are enjoying making original Christmas cards with Santa’s, sleighs and reindeer!
- Here’s Doreen, knitting an item for a special project for next year.
- Bev loves her Diamond Dotz and she’s been doing it for some time. So far, she’s completed four designs and she’s sent them away to be framed: “I did two faces and the other one is a Lotus Water Lily – one of these I’ll give to my granddaughter for Christmas. I’ve been doing this for a while and I love it. The time goes by so quickly when you’re doing it!” Gwen says the Creative Learning Group has inspired her to take up knitting again: “I haven’t done any knitting for many years and this is the first time I’ve picked up a needle in 15 years! But it’s all coming back to me now – I’m really enjoying it.”
- Judy is working on her Diamond Dotz cushion cover with the image of a dragonfly. Judy says: “I moved here to Beauty Point Retirement Resort a month ago and when I came to the Creative Learning Group, Bev inspired me to try Diamond Dotz. I started by filling in the Dotz on a picture of a little cat and now I’m onto this bigger one. It takes a long time but it’s so much fun and rewarding to do.”
- Robyn enjoys making a range of types of jewellery, including different types of earrings. You can see she’s wearing a pendant here on a chain which she put together. Originally, the pendant was part of an earring but now she’s added it to a necklace and she’s enjoying wearing it again in a different way!
If you’re interested in being part of the Creative Learning Group held each Tuesday morning at 10am in the Auditorium on Level1, talk to the Receptionist at Beauty Point Retirement Resort and they’ll help you. Or call them on (02) 8708 4700 and ask for more information.